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📓 React with Redux Objectives

In the last course section, we covered the basics of building a React application and managing state. In a smaller application like our Help Queue, we can manage our shared and local state without using external libraries.

In this course section, we will learn to use Redux, a library that we can use to manage shared state in React applications. We will learn about the different parts of Redux, including the Redux store and reducers. Here are the topics we'll cover:

  • The basics of Redux, including the store and reducers
  • Creating, combining and splitting reducers
  • Testing reducers with Jest
  • Combining React and Redux using React Redux
  • Using action creators and constants
  • Component lifecycle methods

Independent Project Objectives

You will not be expected to incorporate the concepts of this section into your independent project. Instead, your next independent project will be devoted to planning and working on your capstone project. Your code will be reviewed for the following objectives:

  • Project commit history demonstrates a full session of work.
    • For full-time students, we require 8 hours.
    • For part-time students, we require 4 hours.
  • Project includes capstone proposal.
  • README includes an overview of the project.

You can preview the exact instructions and requirements for the React with Redux code review by reading the React with Redux Independent Project lesson at the end of this section.