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✏️ React with Redux Independent Project

Independent Projects Overview

Project prompts will be available on Epicenter at 8:00 am Friday for full-time students and 8:00 am on Thursday for part-time students. Before you begin your project, make sure to take a moment to review the Independent Projects and Code Reviews lesson.

React with Redux Project Objectives

For this independent project, you will be getting started on your capstone. You will not be expected to add any objectives from this course section — however, you may choose to do so if you plan to implement Redux in your project.

Over the next several weeks, you are expected to put at least 40 hours of work into your capstone during the time we provide you to work on your project in class and in lieu of regular independent projects.

Here is a general breakdown of that schedule by course section:

  • React with Redux: there is no independent project prompt. Instead, you will spend this time working on your capstone.
  • React with NoSQL: there is no independent project prompt. Instead, you will spend this time working on your capstone.
  • React with APIs: there is no independent project prompt. Instead, you will spend this time working on your capstone.
  • Independent Capstone: this section is dedicated to working on your capstone.

This is the first session of your dedicated class time!

At the end of your work session, you'll submit a GitHub repo for your capstone with at minimum a and a separate file called that has your capstone proposal in it. If you haven't settled on a name for your capstone yet, know that you can pick a generic repo name for now and change it down the line.

To complete your capstone proposal, use the template we provide in this lesson. Your teacher may have set additional expectations for the capstone proposal, so make sure to follow your instructor's direction.

It's normal to spend this first work session entirely on research, learning, and planning. You might not start to code until the next capstone work session, which is also entirely normal. Having a solid plan in place with a clear understanding of the tooling you will use in your project is important to be able to stay focused on your MVP and make strides towards completing it. However, you should not spend the entire work session on your capstone proposal. Aim to spend a 1/2 hour to an hour completing it.

If you are focused on continued research and planning (as opposed to starting to code), we ask that you track your activities in your README in a section called Research & Planning Log, like in the example below. Every time you start or finish an activity, make a note of it in the log, and commit the README to your Git history. You don’t have to follow the exact structure below, and you do not have to log your breaks.

Once you start coding and committing regularly, you don’t have to keep this log of activities, though you are welcome to. One reason to keep adding to the Research and Planning Log is that it can be a helpful way to track your development progress, milestones, and helpful resources you've found along the way. In turn, this can help you formulate your pitch for your project and help you pick up where you left off after a break from working on the project.

### Research & Planning Log
#### Friday, 08/13
* 8:20: prioritize to-dos
* 8:40: research libraries for animations
* 9:30: try out react-spring library, review docs + examples
* 1:20: implement react-spring library in sample project

If you are focused on continued research, keep in mind that we expect you to log your activities throughout your work session: each time you change activities, we expect that you add an item to your Research & Planning Log and that you commit your README to track the addition. We will not accept a log completed in one commit at the end of your work session.

Your submission will be reviewed for the following objectives:

  • Project commit history demonstrates a full session of work.
    • For full-time students, we require 8 hours.
    • For part-time students, we require 4 hours.
  • Project includes capstone proposal.
  • README includes an overview of the project.


Submit your code for review to the React with Redux code review on Epicenter.

Visit Independent Projects and Code Reviews for details on how to submit, how feedback works and course completion requirements.