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✏️ Career Services Day

For this class session, we’ll take a break from our capstones to work on career services. Depending on what program you are signed up for you’ll be doing one or both of the following:

  • Applying to internship companies
  • Applying to jobs

Don’t worry! This class session is not counted in the 40 hours of dedicated time in class that you have to work on your capstone project.

Full-Time Students

Full-time students will get their internship interview matches returned to them no later than today, Monday of the Independent Capstone course section. Because of this, we set aside this Monday to complete your internship applications.Take as much time as you need to complete them, but keep in mind that they are due on Wednesday of this week.

If you’ve already completed your internship applications, you are welcome to apply to jobs or return to working on your capstone.

Part-Time Students

Most part-time students find their own internships and work on this throughout the program. If this is you, spend this class session applying to internships. If you’ve already secured your internship, use this time to apply to jobs or to continue to work on your capstone.

If you’ve already completed your internship applications, you are welcome to apply to jobs or return to working on your capstone.