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📓 Homework: Journal #1

As discussed in the previous lesson, you were asked to keep a journal while going through the program. Each weekend you'll receive a brief journal assignment in addition to your coding homework. (If any of this sounds unfamiliar, or if you'd like a refresher, review the Journaling at Epicodus lesson now.)

In future weeks we'll complete journal prompts over the weekend and discuss them with a partner in class at the beginning of the section. However, this first section we'll write our first responses as tonight's homework and discuss them at the start of the next class session.

Journal #1 Prompt​

Spend several moments thinking critically about the following questions, and record brief yet honest responses. Include a date or timestamp and quick summary of the prompt to refer back to later.

  • Why did you make the decision to enroll in a coding bootcamp? What are you aiming to achieve by completing multiple months of technical trainings?

  • Do you already have specific goals for yourself in mind? If not, can you think of any now?


We'll briefly discuss our journal responses to these questions with partners in the next class session. Make sure your responses are recorded before the start of the section!